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Lotus Belle Garantie

Ihr Zelt kommt mit einer 2-Jahres-Garantie für alle Herstellungs- und Materialschäden.

Um Ihre Garantie zu bestätigen, füllen Sie bitte die Informationen in der rechten oberen Box aus und notieren Sie das Lieferdatum, das Ende der Garantiezeit, Ihre Rechnungs- oder Bestellnummer und die UPN, die Sie auf der Rückseite des Brandaufklebers in der Türöffnung Ihres Zeltes in blauer Tinte finden. Bitte bewahren Sie dieses Dokument an einem sicheren und trockenen Ort auf.

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Die Lotus Belle Garantie wird nur in englischer Sprache gewährt. Für weitere Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte unter


Lotus Belle offers a limited warranty for components of products as described below which are found to be faulty for up to two years from the date that you receive the products.
All components of the tent or related product are covered by this warranty against manufacturing defects. We would normally ask you to provide online photos of the problem. If we agree to replace or repair the problem components, we will supply replacement components as soon as we are able to do so (we may need to source these from a manufacturer) and pay reasonable charges for the repair or installing the replacement part if that is required to fix the problem. If the problem is very serious we may arrange to have a replacement product issued at our discretion. We may require faulty goods to be returned to us for inspection, at our cost.  
The warranty does not cover damage done by inappropriate or unlawful use of the product as described below. The warranty may not apply if the product has been altered or modified in a way which might affect the performance of original components. This limited warranty is provided by Lotus Belle Tents. In the event of any need to contact us about this warranty, please email your distributor at  UK laws require all of the above information about a limited warranty offered by a seller of products to be disclosed to potential buyers and to be written in plain language. We have endeavoured to provide all information which may be required by law and which a prospective buyer might reasonably need in these terms and conditions and elsewhere on this website. Please contact us by email should you have any additional questions.


Because Lotus Belle have no control over how the tents and other products are used, we cannot be held responsible for injuries to users or damages to the tents in use such as caused by adverse weather (including high winds and flooding) or by unwanted animals, wildlife or other pests entering a tent or by acts of God. Users need to exercise care in selecting a camp site and in using the product.
In relation to weather damage, Lotus Belle cannot be held responsible for injury to users or damage to our tents or their contents for tents left up in inappropriate weather conditions such as high winds or snowfalls or in low lying areas subject to potential flooding or by falling trees or power lines. Please heed weather warnings. Lotus Belle tents are made from quality materials and our experience is that a properly erected Lotus Belle tent can withstand a range of weather conditions. However, we cannot offer guidance on that because it depends on factors such as how well our instructions were followed in erecting the tent, how well the tent pegs were hammered to the ground, how soft the ground was at the time and how sheltered the site was at the time.
Similarly, we cannot be responsible for any accident or personal injury to users of our tents. Users should take their own reasonable precautions given the nature of these products as would be taken by a prudent user, for example to avoid tripping on tent guy ropes.


If our products are used for hire to the public, for other commercial purposes, for hospitality or for any other purpose by person who was not the buyer of the products and you find a fault which causes you to issue refunds to your own customers, or paying damages to other people due to injury or any other reason, Lotus Belle will not be responsible for reimbursing those losses. Likewise, should you experience damage to reputation or loss of business through product fault or any other reason, Lotus Belle shall not be held responsible for any costs incurred or profits lost. In certain circumstances, entirely at our discretion, we may offer to replace products or make a refund – the maximum amount refunded will not exceed the price paid by you.

Lotus Belle shall not accept responsibility for injuries caused through improper use of our products – it is your responsibility to pitch correctly, check parts regularly, and check weather reports for the event you are attending. If our products are to be used by members of the public, you should have your own public liability insurance to cover all eventualities.